Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Characters of Crossing, Part V: What If

  "What If"  The final part of a series exploring the history and characters behind Signature’s world premiere of Crossing, by Matt Conner and Grace Barnes. If you missed any of the other characters, follow their journeys here: Part I: Freedom Trains Part II: Mothers and Sons Part III: Seeking a Newer World Part IV: Entertaining...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Characters of Crossing, Part IV: Entertaining Angels

Part IV in a series exploring the history and characters behind Signature’s world premiere of Crossing, by Matt Conner and Grace Barnes.  Click here to view Part III: "Seeking a Newer World"  The World of the Heroic Journey: The Unknown Woman "The blue turns gray, the gray to black, Just hold your breath, and don’t look back You just...

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