Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Characters of Crossing, Part III: Seeking a Newer World

"Seeking a Newer World" Part III in a series exploring the history and characters behind Signature’s world premiere of Crossing, by Matt Conner and Grace Barnes. If you missed the first few, click here to view Part I: Freedom Trains and click here to view Part II: Mothers & Sons.  Here is a sneak-peek of Crossing's talented travelers...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Characters of Crossing, Part II: The Mothers and Sons

"Mothers and Sons" Part Two in a series exploring the history and characters behind Signature’s world premier of Crossing, by Matt Conner and Grace Barnes  Click here to view Part 1: Freedom Trains In Signature’s world premier of Crossing, two pairs of mothers and sons wait on the platform. One mother, from the year 1917, dreads the arrival...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Characters of Crossing, Part I: Freedom Trains

"Freedom Trains" Part One in a series exploring the history and characters behind Signature’s world premiere of Crossing, by Matt Conner and Grace Barnes “Come my friends, Tis not too late to seek a newer world …. To strive, to seek,  to find, and not to yield.” Do you recall the thrill of anticipation in your youth when you...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Signature in the Schools Kicks Off an Exciting Year

What do Green Eggs and Ham, Batman, and a classroom of 9th graders have in common? All were part of the first workshop at Wakefield High School for the Signature in the Schools program! In mid-September, the entire freshman class of Wakefield received backstage tours at Signature Theatre. Not long after those initial tours, representatives from...

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