Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Acting for Beginners

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!   Sign up for our Acting for Beginners class, taught by our very own David Zobell! In this class, students will develop skills such as concentration, sensory and physical awareness, voice and diction, and characterization and then learn how to apply those skills to playing a part in a show. We'll be using a unique combination of improvisation and textual work. It should be fun. The class runs Saturdays November 10 - December 15 from 11 am - 1 pm, with no class on November 24 for Thanksgiving. Have questions?...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Books We Read: "The Empty Space" by Peter Brook

This new series at In the Classroom will introduce you to some of the best books on theatre. Each entry in the series will explore a book on theatre that's impacted somebody associated with Signature. A staff member, a teacher, maybe even an audience member! If you have a book about theatre or the arts that's changed your perspective on things,...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Acting: Objectives and Tactics

Ladies and gentlemen, we introduce to you Ms. Carol Cadby! Carol, an acclaimed teacher, taught last fall's popular Acting: The Other Person, here at The Signature Academy and is returning this fall to teach Acting: Objectives and Tactics. Registration closes on October 22nd, so register soon!  Carol Cadby has been teaching and coaching for more than two and a half decades at the college, high school and adult levels. She is currently an Adjunct Acting Instructor at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, an Acting...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Page to Stage Archive: Laurie Pomerson

Check out this interview with Signature's Director of Marketing and Communications, Laurie Pomerson! Laurie supervises everything from graphic design to press releases to Signature's Facebook and Twitter accounts. In this interview, she talks about her work at Signature, and what it's like to put all that together. Want to hear from more members of Signature's staff? Come to Page to Stage on November 5 at the Shirlington Library - we'll take a look behind the curtain to talk to the people who make the shows happen on the design and production...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

In With the Interns: Sandy Wacker

Sandy and her printer Name: Alexandra (“Sandy”) Wacker From: Potomac, MD School: Haverford College, 2012, B.A. Anthropology      Long-Term Goals: Career in communications; to be a princess. Favorite Musical: West Side Story, Les Misérables, Next to Normal    Favorite Play: Rabbit Hole,...

Monday, October 1, 2012

In With the Interns: Joan Cummins

Name: Joan Cummins From: Arlington, VA.  Favorite Musical: Assassins  Favorite Play: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Favorite Movie: The Incredibles  Internship: Education and Community Outreach  Internship Start Date: 9/10/2012 Internship Duties: I’ll be helping David with almost everything....

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