Monday, December 29, 2014

Mason - Stepping Up to Stage Management

Mason is ready to tackle rehearsals with the rest of thetechnical team for Signature in the Schools. Over the next couple of months as we get closer to the premiere of this years Signature in the Schools production Veni, Vidi, Vici, we are going to hear from the talented cast and crew that makes up this years production team. First up on the docket...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Now Serving: The Diner Team

The world premiere of Diner at Signature Theatre is fast upon us and the artistic, production and administrative teams could not be more ecstatic to share this amazing show with everyone. Signature is known for its bold and brave new musicals and Diner aims to be one of the boldest and bravest yet. Taking on a landmark film such as Diner is no...

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