Monday, December 29, 2014

Mason - Stepping Up to Stage Management

Mason is ready to tackle rehearsals with the rest of thetechnical team for Signature in the Schools. Over the next couple of months as we get closer to the premiere of this years Signature in the Schools production Veni, Vidi, Vici, we are going to hear from the talented cast and crew that makes up this years production team. First up on the docket...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Now Serving: The Diner Team

The world premiere of Diner at Signature Theatre is fast upon us and the artistic, production and administrative teams could not be more ecstatic to share this amazing show with everyone. Signature is known for its bold and brave new musicals and Diner aims to be one of the boldest and bravest yet. Taking on a landmark film such as Diner is no...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Order Up a Plate of "Nothing" Thanks to Diner

As we slowly approach December, the days and nights get colder and we find ourselves one step closer to the world premiere of Diner here at Signature Theatre. This production, under the helm of three-time Tony Award®-winning director and choreographer Kathleen Marshall features music by Grammy Award Winning Sheryl Crow and book by Academy Award-winning...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Celebrating 20 Years of Signature in the Schools

As Signature in the Schools quickly approaches its 20th anniversary, its staff and students look back fondly on the many productions and memories they have been a part of. To help celebrate this momentous occasion (and ten-year writing partnership with longtime Signature favorite and newly appointed Resident Director Joe Calarco), the Signature...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Passionate Productions at Signature

Here at Signature Theatre, we are known for being bold, brash and communicative about what we want and how we want it. This passion and drive of ours compels us to create, produce and perform theatrical productions which speak to the hearts of audiences and actors. Over the past 25 years Signature has used this passion to ignite emotions...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Signature in the Schools - Anne and Emmett

Signature in the Schools has long sought out to expand as much as possible. We as an educational organization want to spread the joy of interacting with the theatrical arts to as many people as humanly possible. The following production will help us reach out to an even greater number of individuals we had otherwise been unable to reach due to time,...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sex with Strangers - In Regards to The Menaissance

Holly Twyford stars in Signature Theatre'sSex with Strangers The first show to grace the ARK stage at Signature Theatre this fall is none other than Laura Eason's, Sex with Strangers. Under the direction of Aaron Posner, actors Holly Twyford and Luigi Sottile bring this sexy, provocative and intimate play to life in the intimate theatre....

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Save Me, Sister Sharon

Aimee Semple McPherson With the recent opening of Elmer Gantry here at Signature Theatre under the direction of Artistic Director Eric Schaeffer, it is time to get into the spirit of the religious revival. The author of the 1927 novel, Sinclair Lewis, was drawn to many characters and personalities present in early 20th century America (as we...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Take a Swing for the Fences, Elmer!

Billy striking a powerful pose duringa promotional photo shoot. Signature Theatre’s 25th Anniversary Season is swinging for the fences with its next musical, Elmer Gantry. Under the direction of our very own Artistic Director, Eric Schaeffer, Gantry is set to step up to the plate and knock another musical out of the park for this amazing...

Friday, September 19, 2014

That Old Time Religion

Charlie Pollock is our Elmer Gantry. Up next on the docket for the Signature Theatre 25th Anniversary Season is the updated version of Elmer Gantry, which features an updated book and brand new music! This revised musical is being directed by Signature Theatre’s very own Artistic Director Eric Schaeffer and features a fiery and talented cast and...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Art Isn't Easy

Claybourne Elder in the role of Georges Seuratin Signature's production ofSunday in the Park with George. by Matt Strote, Education Associate Art isn't easy. The making of it, selling it and surviving on it are all very real challenges that artists face. It is incredibly difficult to be both an artistically satisfied and commercially successful....

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