Friday, January 27, 2012

Emily: Un-American ASM backstage at Hairspray.

Emily, a sophomore at Wakefield High School, returns to Signature in the Schools for the second consecutive year as assistant stage manager with Un-American. To help prepare them for their roles in Un-American, both our stage manager and assistant stage manager had the privilege of shadowing the SM and ASM of Hairspray during a performance. Assistant...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Remembering Marcia

We love you, Marcia. How appropriate that this year's Signature in the Schools production, a production that will be dedicated to Marcia, centers so much on the idea of there being room enough for everyone. Thanks for truly living what you teach and making room for every walk of life, every mode of thought, and every personality that...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Meanwhile, back in the rehearsal room...

We are in the home stretch of our rehearsal period as we put together the finishing touches on Un-American.  With only one week left of rehearsals before we go into tech, our entire team is giving their all to ensure that all of the pieces come together. We were able to sneak a picture during a recent rehearsal as actors Cameron, Jose, and Jason...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Signature in the Schools Edition

Adrian, a freshmen at Wakefield High school will not only be making his Signature in the Schools debut in Un-American but his first stage appearance since elementary school. Adrian walked into the audition room hoping to get a chance to work behind the scenes but director, David Zobell and playwright, Joe Calarco had something else in store for...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

An interview with Signature in the Schools Veteran, Amanda

Amanda returns to Signature in the Schools for the third year in a row. Through her year, she has worm many different hats (both metaphorically and on stage) with SIS.  Her freshman year, she was the Backstage Manager for the Shakespeare, Will. Her sophomore year she was the light technician for Image is Everything. This year she will be making...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Page to Stage: Popcorn and a Movie!

This upcoming Monday, January 9th, at 6:30 PM, we'll be holding a very special Page to Stage downstairs at the Shirlington Library. Come on down to watch the original film Hairspray, written and directed by John Waters in 1988. Set in 1963 Baltimore, the comedy deals with issues such as body image and racial segregation. The movie stars Ricki Lake...

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